- base bulb
- утолщение спичечной головки
Англо-русский сельскохозяйственный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский сельскохозяйственный словарь. 2013.
bulb — An electronic device which gives off light by the heating of an element contained with a glass enclosure. The metal base which conducts the electricity may be a barrel with locating pins, or it may have small filament wires protruding from the… … Dictionary of automotive terms
Bulb — For other uses, see Bulb (disambiguation). Shallot bulbs … Wikipedia
bulb — 1. Any globular or fusiform structure. SYN: bulbus [TA]. 2. A short, vertical underground stem of plants, such as onion and garlic. [L. bulbus, a bulbous root] aortic b. [TA] the dilated first part of the aorta containing the aort … Medical dictionary
bulb — noun Etymology: Middle English, from Latin bulbus, from Greek bolbos bulbous plant Date: 15th century 1. a. a resting stage of a plant (as the lily, onion, hyacinth, or tulip) that is usually formed underground and consists of a short stem base… … New Collegiate Dictionary
bulb rot — ▪ plant disease widespread disease that can infect all flower and crop bulbs and is caused by a variety of fungi and a few bacteria. Shoots fail to emerge or leaves are stunted, yellow to reddish or purplish, and they later wilt and die;… … Universalium
Incandescent light bulb — The incandescent light bulb, incandescent lamp or incandescent light globe is a source of electric light that works by incandescence, (a general term for heat driven light emissions which includes the simple case of black body radiation). An… … Wikipedia
Olfactory bulb — Brain: Olfactory bulb Vesalius Fabrica, 1543. Olfactory Bulbs and Olfactory tracts outlined in red … Wikipedia
Wet Bulb Globe Temperature — Température au thermomètre globe mouillé L indice de Température au thermomètre globe mouillé, de son nom originel Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT), est un indice composite de température utilisé pour estimer les effets de la température, de l… … Wikipédia en Français
hair bulb — n the bulbous expansion at the base of a hair from which the hair shaft develops * * * bulb of hair bulbus pili … Medical dictionary
tentacular bulb — (CNIDARIA) Swelling at the base of a medusoid tentacle that serves primarily in digestion and manufacture of nematocysts and sometimes bears an ocellus or other sensory structure; ocellar bulb … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
olfactory bulb — noun one of two enlargements at the terminus of the olfactory nerve at the base of the brain just above the nasal cavities • Hypernyms: ↑neural structure • Part Holonyms: ↑rhinencephalon, ↑olfactory brain * * * noun : a bulbous anterior… … Useful english dictionary